Wednesday, April 15, 2020

(define sum
  (λ (args ...)
    (+ args ...)))

(define (sum args ...)
  (+ args ...))

(define-as (list 1 2 third _ ...) (something "foo"))

{key value key2 value2}

[value value2 value3]

(let (foo bar
      baz buzz)

(match value
  pattern template
  pattern2 template2)

The Language That I Think I Want

I'm one of those nerds who likes to opine about programming languages.

From an industry perspective, it's an all-too-common Big Waste of Time, but boy is it fun. It's like having strong opinions about fonts, except that the fonts can move mountains. Digital mountains, of course.



The reason for this exercise is to end up at:

$ mkdir solveproblem
$ cd solveproblem
$ vim somefile.language
[... write a small amount of non-arcane code ...]
$ sometool
$ ./solveproblem
$ xdg-open beer

Maybe you're thinking "Perl." I'm thinking more of something:

